Sandy - I am going to Crooked Island next Saturday in the Bahamas ! Love your designs and bought all my girlfriends sarongs when we went to St Lucia! They loved them!
Well I had to do some CROOKED ISLAND research and apparently it is one of the most remote islands in the Bahamas, and almost as natural as it was when the Bahamas were first discovered. OOOHHH doesn't that sound like paradise, and with sea this color I am sure it is.
Denise - One of my favorite islands is Grand Cayman. A wonderful & peaceful time is to walk Seven Mile Beach in the early morning hours around 7-8 am before everyone starts heading to the beach for the day. The last time I was there, an island dog walked with me the whole way! There were men surf fishing along the way. Very memorable.
Click on this photo for a link to TripAdvisors recommendations on Grand Caymans Seven Mile Beach.
Actually if you are planning a Grand Cayman vacation, be sure to visit the Cayman Turtle Centre..... they carry our goodies and do a great job with turtle research & conservation.
Wesley - Good morning! Love reading your stories! We live in the Dania Beach - Fort Lauderdale area, not planning any tropical trips this winter, because basically we already live in paradise and spend almost every weekend of the beach :-) we have a possible trip coming up in June of next year to Bimini, for Crossing for a Cure. Not even sure what tips to ask for on that one, because I've never been to the Bahamas. Have lived here 26 years and have still never been. My son (17) is planning on doing the crossing for a cure on his prone board with three other Junior Lifeguards from Hollywood Florida. Already striving to put the logistics and plans into place! That's really only my only tropical trip I can think of LOL. Anyway, I love your creations and love reading your blogs. These dresses / cover-ups are perfect for me as sometimes we spend almost 12 hours a day on the beach due to long competitions for lifeguard competitions or paddle events.. They would look great to go from the beach to lunch or dinner as well as protecting from overexposure all day. Also thinking they would be really cute not specifically for the beach only - but just with some white pants or shorts? Anyway, totally totally my style and I love them.
CROSSING FOR A CURE ----- wow, well you know me, I love a "feel good" excuse to go Tropical. This photo is a link to their site.
Sue Ellen - We have a home at Cherry Grove Beach (North Myrtle Beach) SC. Went to Jamaica for the first time last year, hoping to visit other beautiful tropical places in my future, so love to hear about your life and travels.🌴🌴🌴.
Toni - My husband and I are going scuba diving in cozumel! We love it there - nicest people. We try to always take every 3rd day off of diving and just enjoy the island!
Tammy is off to vacation in St.Lucia this winter. WOW St.Lucia is the home of one of the most amazing views in the Caribbean.... the Pitons. Click on this photo below to see an incredible video shot by some sailors visiting St.Lucia.
William - My wife and I are going to ST Lucia ! Can’t wait ....
I BET !!
Mary Ann is off to Florida. So many amazing spots to explore !
Patricia Jean says "I am currently at Disney and the will be in St Augustine Florida for 2 weeks. No Caribbean trips planned for now"
Amy says "I don't have any immediate plans for tropical travel even though winter is going to be appearing soon.You can be jealous that I just got home from diving the *exotic* Gilboa Quarry in Ohio. The joys of being a scuba diver in the US Midwest. Lots of lakes ponds and quarries and cold water. I am wait listed for a diving trip to Grand Cayman in January and someone just dropped off of the trip, but my friend's husband maybe filling the roommate roll versus me. I adore the upcoming Turtle Tee dress"
WOW I never thought of scuba diving in Ohio, how interesting. A quick google search showed how interesting that is !
Christine - I have not been able to take a vacation in many, many years but I am hoping to next year. I LOVE St. Maarten but I have not been able to find out if they have yet recovered from the hurricanes last year. I felt so badly for the residents. St. Maarten sure got hit last year!
Many years ago my parents had efficiency apartments that they rented out. I understand that when they were sold last, they were torn down and a hotel was built. This saddened me because these apartments were wonderful! We had daily maid service and if the renters chose to cook and eat in the apartment versus going to restaurant, the maid did the dishes also. This gave the “average Joe” the opportunity to vacation without having to spend so much money on a hotel room. They were called Devil’s Cupper Cottages."
Happy wanderings!
Laurie - We’ll go to Puerto Rico this February to support them in their rebuilding efforts. Last year our hotel still wasn’t open, so we’re happy to finally go back there and see the area again.
Not too sure where Laurie's hotel in PR is, but one cute little beach store that we have supplied for at least 10 years is MANGO BEACH SHOP in Rincon.
Tami - I am planning a tip to St.Martin. In your experience, what is the best month to visit there? I love the more quiet months, for example December, January or even APRIL Tami, as they are not as busy as the crazy busy months of February and March. The island can be so hectic during Feb & March. However having said that, early March is the Heineken Regatta and that is a lot of fun, with free concerts every night on the beaches, and amazing to see all the yachts racing offshore during the days.
Tricia - Going to Turks & Caicos in November. Turks is SO STUNNING and great diving there too! If you follow our friends at Dive Provo on FB, they often post the most amazing video's from their days dives. I love this one of the dolphins visiting the divers.... the guy filming was just a tad excited ! Its not easy to scream "DOLPHINS!!! DOLPHINS!!! DOLPHINS!!!" underwater with a regulator in your mouth! Click on the photo to link through and watch the video.

Deborah - Bought my first tunic you created in St.John a month before the hurricane devastated the beautiful island. Can't wait to return and also go to the BVIs and also to purchase more of your beautiful clothes!
OOOOHHH Deborah - I love St.John, one of my favourite islands. I borrowed this photo from a St.John island guide. Click on the photo to check it out.
Laurie - Just returned from the Annapolis sailboat show and lived in your dresses! It was so hot on opening day and I must have had a dozen people ask where I bought the dresses!
Anne - I am goig to St.Thomas, Nassau and Tortola! Love your clothes!
Annette - Off to Oahu for three weeks
Dawn - We are off to Cabo San Lucas. Can't wait !!!
WOW - the most famous landmark in Cabo looks pretty impressive !
Patricia - Unfortunately I have no plans to trave to the Caribbean in the near future, but if I do I want to go back to St.Thomas. I need a new place to stay there, so if you have any suggestions.... I love your designs!
So Patricia I asked our sales rep who is a resident of St.Thomas Lulu, she suggested that the Marriott Frenchman's Cove is open. Apparently it is time share, but it is possible to find rentals there. You could also try Bolongo Bay Resort.
Karen is planning a return trip to Hawaii!
Debi - Aloha from Maui! We are spending time on Maui now, but heading back to California in a couple of weeks. I wear your cute clothing on island and on the mainland.
I love how Debi signs off her emails.... a true island girl!!
Vibeke - I am vacationing in Sanibel FL.
Linda - I love your clothes! I always take them on vacation to Marco Island, FL.
Oh Ladies, you have to visit my friend LeeAnn's store Beach Daisy in both Sanibel and Marco Island. Here is a photo from her FB page, and if you click on it you will link through to her page.
and.... Cherie is off to Bali in January..... WOW, now that is a bit further to travel for American's than it is for us Australians, but SO WORTH IT ... so much exotic loveliness and so little time. Definitely put the island of Bali on your bucket list island friends !! Here is a photo of Coconuts, a private villa in Bingin, which we shared with our cousins last March.. a dream vacation for both us parents and the 5 kids !! HEAVEN
One love x